

All you need to know about what’s going on in the big, wide universe of digital products. If you’d like to learn more, just let us know


5g has arrived! But how will it change the world around us?

Tim Cook and crew managed to say the word 5G 67 times during the Apple announcement, but I personally didn’t take any notice as my perception was that 5G wouldn’t be around in the UK for some time. That’s why it took me by surprise when I went out for a run the next morning, and as I was clicking into my running app, I saw those magic characters appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen – 5G.


5 reasons to choose React

React is one of our favourite technologies for developing applications, and we’re not alone. It’s estimated that there’s over 5 million React developers worldwide! Here’s 5 reasons why we love it!


The four p’s - proof of concepts, prototypes, pilots (and MVP's)

There are many different ways to ensure the development of a new product is a success. Here we cover four of the most popular deliverables before launch, and the difference between them.


The real MVP (Minimum viable product)

“What do Michael Jordan and Uber have in common? They both were an MVP”